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Ours projects

We're active in a wide range of areas, and we're pleased to share some of the projects we're proud of here.

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Discover a unique exhibition featuring 30 photos and as many audio recordings. You will need 50 minutes to take the guided tour. This project was created to celebrate 10 years of marriage for all and to show our commitment to fighting LGBTQIAphobia and isolation in our own way. The English version is available (texts only)


Report on public policies in favour of Fair Trade

This report, published last year, is an analysis of public policies in favour of fair trade in several areas (Ecuador, Brazil, Italy, France, Sri Lanka, West Africa and the European Union).

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Prospective 2030 

Here's an example of what foresight can be used for. Here, after several workshops, including one attended by around a hundred people, we produced a white paper to define scenarios for the Artisans du Monde Federation (around 140 fair trade shops).

Another look at fair trade" exhibition

Take a different look at fair trade. This project began in 2012 and was made possible thanks to the support of a number of partners, including the Strasbourg School of Management. It has been shown in the UK, Belgium and, of course, all over France. It is still available for hire, and can even be hired online.


The Rhum "Yes to Equality"

The "Rhum oui à l'égalité" was a unique project. First of all, it was the only product campaigning for marriage for all in 2013. It was also organic and fair trade. Sold in a limited edition of 500, the bottle was produced in collaboration with the Ethiquable cooperative and designed by the artist Dugudus. An exceptional project.

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